Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy One Month Birthday!!

It is hard to believe that you are already one month old. The time has gone by so quickly. We went to the pediatrician on Thursday and you are definitely growing. Dr. Wilson said that you were perfect, but we already knew that. She also said that you had "juicy lips." ( I think you get those from your daddy!)
Weight: 8 pounds, 3 ounces (10th percentile, but you should catch up in the next couple of months)

Length: 21.75 inches (55th percentile)

You are eating every 3 hours during the day and 3.5-4 hours at night. You like tummy time and snuggling. You are currently sleeping in your bouncy seat in your crib to help with your stomach problems. Hopefully, your digestive system will catch up to your eating habits soon.

Here are some pics from the past week:

Mimi has come to stay a couple of nights to let me get some sleep. Thanks, Mimi!!! The extra sleep was wonderful.

We took you to church for the first time today. We just went to the worship service and kept you with us. You slept the entire time!
(Notice the "juicy lips"!)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Will's Newborn Pictures

Will had his newborn pictures taken at 10 days old. He slept through most of the photo session. Here is a link to the Draper's web site to view Will's newborn pictures. Maury did a great job!!

Big Boy Bath

Now that Will's umbilical cord has fallen off, he can have a real bath. He likes this much more than a sponge bath.

Tummy Time

The past week has been a little rough on baby Will. He had some gassy problems and has been pretty uncomfortable. We turned the corner over the weekend and seem to have a better handle on the situation. Here are a few pictures from tummy time yesterday. Will seems to really like being on his belly (some of the time). Callie likes to keep a close watch over Will when he is on the floor. She tries to lay as close as possible to the mat.

I love this face!!

Gary wanted to take a nap this afternoon and decided that Will needed to join him.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Hanging Out

We have been hanging out most of the past week. We went for a weight check on Monday and weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces. Hopefully, Will will be back up to his birth weight when we go back to the doctor on Monday. Here are a few pictures from the week.

Boppy Fun!

Just relaxing

The swing puts me to sleep (some of the time).

We rang in the New Year cheering on the Auburn Tigers.

Christmas 2007

Christmas was pretty laid back this year. We stayed in NLR and had dinner at my parent's house on Christmas Day. Will slept through most of the Christmas festivities. He did receive lots of wonderful gifts that he will enjoy throughout the coming year.

The Greatest Christmas Present Ever

Napping with Poppa

Presents from Santa!!

Callie got a mega-Bone for Christmas!