Monday, December 24, 2007

Our First Week Home

It's hard to believe that Will is one week old. We have been doing lots of eating, sleeping and snuggling. Here are a few pics from the week.

(I am 99% Nice and 1% Naughty)

First Bath- He isn't really a fan of having his clothes off. :o)

Will and Uncle Kyle
Baby Will is Here!!!

William Charles Jones arrived on Monday, December 17, 2007 at 1:32 pm. He weighed 7 pounds and 9 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. We think he is just perfect. We were able to come home from the hospital on Wednesday morning and were greeted by Mimi, Nana, Papa, Poppa and Aunt Amy. Will had a mini-photo shoot when we got to the house. Gary and I are blessed to have such a wonderful family to help us during this time. Here are a few pictures from the hospital and our trip home.

Will with Mimi and Poppa

Will with Nana and Papa

Will with Aunt Sarah and Aunt Amy

Will with Mama